Current options to reach Portland from Lewiston~Auburn are: · WMTS BlueLine commuter to Brunswick, connecting with Metro BREEZ, Amtrak Downeaster, or Concord Coach to Portland · GOMAINE single or recurring carpool ride program · LAP Commuter Service, for more information call 207-520-8111 · Greyhound · Lyft · UberSee schedules here!
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GreenLine Commuter

Ride the GreenLine Commuter!

GreenLine Commuter | Western Maine Transportation Services

The GreenLine Commuter bus services includes four (4) daily round-trips Mon-Fri between Farmington & Lewiston-Auburn and points in between including Wilton, Jay, Livermore Falls, Livermore, and Turner, Maine. Stops include the Farmington Park & Ride, Jay Plaza, Livermore Falls Central Plaza, and the Farmington Park & Ride.

View the GreenLine Commuter schedule here.

GreenLine Commuter Map | WMTS

GreenLine Commuter Schedule | WMTSLooking for a different bus service? Visit our Transit Options page!

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