Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where can WMTS buses take me?
A: The answer is that anyone can ride the bus to…Work, Education, Pharmacy & Shopping, Hair & Personal Care, Libraries, Visits with Family & Friends, Food Pantries/Meal Centers, Warming/Cooling Centers, Healthcare Appointments, even daytime entertainment options. WMTS buses are affordable, reliable and safe…and ALWAYS open to the public!
Q: Are WMTS buses open to the public?
A: All Western Maine Transportation buses are always open to the public. Call 800-393-9335, selection 1, before 4:00 PM a day in advance to schedule a ride!
Q: Where do the buses operate?
Q: How much does it cost to ride the buses?
A: Our fares range from Free to $7.50, per boarding. For more information on a particular route’s fare, please call 800-393-9335.
Q: Where is my ride?
A: If your ride is more than 5 minutes late, please contact our Passenger Relations Department at 800-393-9335, selection 1. Please make sure you are able to see where the bus or volunteer driver expects you to be waiting as you make your call.
Q: Why do I have to be ready for my ride 5 minutes early?
A: What helps other riders also helps you as a rider. Being able to pick you, or any rider, up a few minutes early helps keep buses and volunteer drivers on-time, especially if traffic, weather or other circumstances cause unforeseen delays.
Q: Where can I get brochures?
A: WMTS distributes its brochures to libraries, town offices, hospitals, medical offices and many convenience stores. If you can’t get the brochure you need, you may either call us a 800-393-9335 selection 1 and ask that the brochures be mailed to you, or you can find printable brochure files here. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat software to open and print these files. Adobe’s Acrobat can be downloaded here.
Q: Is there any transportation service available to get to Portland or beyond?
A: WMTS does not provide transportation to Portland. The LAP Commuter Bus does offer service between Lewiston/Auburn and Portland. Also, Greyhound operates its intra-state and inter-state buses out of Lewiston’s Oak Street Station. From here, it is possible to take a bus north to Augusta, Bangor and as far as Presque Isle…or south to Portland, Boston and, from there, almost anywhere in North America.
Q: I have a concern or a problem, a compliment or a comment…
A: Please tell us about it! Communicating with us about what we are doing wrong, or doing right, helps us to do a better job providing the transportation services needed in our service area.
- 1. Call us at 800-393-9335, selection 7 and leave a message for us
- 2. E-mail us at
- 3. Send us a letter at WMTS, 76 Merrow Road, Auburn, ME 04210
Q: How many bags or packages can I bring on a bus?
A: The rider must be able to carry their packages or bags onto and off of the bus by themselves in one trip and secure them safely within their seated space. No bulky items are allowed.
Q: Can I leave shopping bags on a bus I while I shop at another store?
A: No. Unsecured packages can shift or spill. Because of this, for the safety of other riders, all bags and parcels must be taken with the rider when they leave the bus.
Q: Can the driver come get me at my door to help me into the bus?
A: In some cases this is possible. Please tell Passenger Relations when you make your ride reservation if you need assistance and about your specific needs.
Q: How can I schedule a ride?
A: Call the WMTS Passenger Relations Department at 800-393-9335, selection 1, prior to 4:00 PM, at least 24 hours before you need a ride.
Q: Does Western Maine Transportation Services need volunteers?
A: WMTS is looking for Board Members. Are you passionate about making a difference in your community and improving transportation services in Maine? As a board member, your voice will guide critical decisions that impact residents’ lives every day. If you are interested, please go to our Jobs & Volunteering page!
Q: Is Western Maine Transportation Services hiring?
A: Yes. WMTS is always looking for qualified bus drivers, including those with Maine class “B” or “A” licenses with passenger and air brake endorsements, a year or more of experience driving passengers, and a clean driving record for the past 5 years. Please go to our Jobs & Volunteering page.