Current options to reach Portland from Lewiston~Auburn are: · WMTS BlueLine commuter to Brunswick, connecting with Metro BREEZ, Amtrak Downeaster, or Concord Coach to Portland · GOMAINE single or recurring carpool ride program · LAP Commuter Service, for more information call 207-520-8111 · Greyhound · Lyft · UberSee schedules here!
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Important Mountain Explorer Service Updates (February 26, 2021)

Next week (March 1-7, 2021) will be the last full service week for the Mountain Explorer and Mountain Express. Beginning the week of March 8, 2021, the Mountain Explorer will run Saturdays and Sundays ONLY through April 4, 2021. The Mountain Express will operate...

Buses for Sale by Bid – 2007 & 2008 International 3000

1- 2007 and 1- 2008 International 3000 Bus for sale by bid. Both buses are equipped with VT365 engines and are both inoperable due to ABS modules being obsolete. 1 bus had a fire under the hood but engine still runs. Each bus has approx. 130k miles and were in service...
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