Current options to reach Portland from Lewiston~Auburn are: · WMTS BlueLine commuter to Brunswick, connecting with Metro BREEZ, Amtrak Downeaster, or Concord Coach to Portland · GOMAINE single or recurring carpool ride program · LAP Commuter Service, for more information call 207-520-8111 · Greyhound · Lyft · UberSee schedules here!
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WMTS will be accepting bids on the following vehicles until 04/08/2022. Bids need to be in a sealed envelope and marked “bus bid.” Please specify vehicle number on the bid. The winner of each vehicle will be contacted once bids are closed and payment must be made in form of a check to Western Maine Transportation Services. For more information, please contact Greg Gallant at (207) 784-9335 ext. 204 or by email


1993 International School Bus with 212,278 miles. Bus has not been inspected in a few years. Starts, runs, and moves but has some rust showing.

Bus 23 Bus 23 - 2


Bus # 222 2010 Chevrolet Express 4500 6.0 liter gas engine. Approximately 220,000 miles. The bus has a rotted out frame and is no longer fit for the road.

222 Bus 222

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