NEW SERVICES – The GoldLine Commuter bus operates between Lewiston/Auburn and Norway/South Paris; and new evening request services in the Oxford area and the Farmington/Wilton area.See schedules here!
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Sealed Bids addressed to the Western Maine Transportation Services and endorsed on the wrapper “Bids for Maintenance Garage Expansion” will be received from Contractors at Reception Desk, Western Maine Transportation Services, 76 Merrow Road, Auburn, Maine until 11:00 o’clock AM (prevailing time) on June 30, 2021 and at that time and place publicly opened and read. Bids will be accepted from all bidders.  

The lowest responsive bidder must demonstrate that they have the qualifications, experience, and facilities to complete this Project. The bidder must provide in sufficient detail information regarding the items listed below. This information shall be provided to the Owner by the apparent lowest and responsive bidder, at the request of the Department, prior to an award being made. The Bidder will have twenty days in which to submit this information after the request has been made. 

a. Bidder’s ability to meet the Specifications, including but not limited to: 

  • Experience constructing similar projects or projects of higher complexity. 
  • Contact names and telephone numbers of at least 3 previous customers that have had similar work performed by the company. 
  • Bidder’s understanding of the project (include a copy of the Preliminary Master Schedule). Statement of the technical expertise, safety plan, years of service and other qualifications that the Bidder brings. 

Description: Federal Aid Project No. 77478, WIN 022779.02.  

Location: In Androscoggin County, project is located at 76 Merrow Road, Auburn, ME.  

Outline of Work: Selective demolition of site and building and construction of extension to existing prefabricated metal building which includes interior wash bay and system, sectional overhead doors, interior bathrooms, and extension of parking and paved areas, and other incidental work. 

The basis of award will be lowest responsible base bid. 

For general information about bidding and contracting procedures, please contact Greg Gallant at (207) 784-9335 ext.204. For project-specific information, please fill out and email the attached RFI Form to, with the project name and identification number in the subject line. Questions received after 12:00 noon of Monday (or if that Monday is state holiday, Friday) prior to the bid date will not be answered. Bidders shall not contact anyone else for clarification of Contract provisions; Western Maine Transportation Services (WMTS) will not be responsible for any interpretations so obtained.  

Plans and specifications may be purchased from Xpress Copy 17 Westfield Street, Portland ME 04102, 207-775-2444, Bid Documents, full sets only, may be obtained at a cost of $75.00 for printed copy and $50.00 for digital download.  

Each Bid must be made upon the Bid forms inserted in the Project Manual and must be accompanied by a bid bond at 5% of the bid amount. A Contract Performance Surety Bond and a Contract Payment Surety Bond, each for 100% of the Contract price, will be required of the successful Bidder. 

This Contract is subject to all applicable Federal Laws, as well as the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program  requirements as set forth by the Maine Department of Transportation. 

All work shall be governed by the Maine Department of Transportation’s Standard Specifications (March 2020 Edition) and Standard Details (March 2020 Edition). They may be ordered by phone at (207) 624-3536 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., price $10 ($15 by mail). These publications also are available online:

Western Maine Transportation Services reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 

Auburn, Maine

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